

From village halls to national conferences and seminars, from the Eden Project to the middle of the North Atlantic, Michael has been inspiring, educating and entertaining audiences for fifteen years.

Through his unique combination of natural history knowledge, passion and humour (and a few tall tales of his own adventures) Michael is well known as one of the most popular and engaging public speakers in Sussex and beyond.

 “I’ve never had so many people telling me how much they enjoyed your talk – and I’ve been doing this for seventeen years!”   U3A talk organiser, 2023

I can honestly say that it was the best talk that we have ever had in our 30 years history” MD, Storrington, 2024

The audience loved it and I received many comments along the lines of ‘it is the best talk we’ve ever had’ (and we’ve had some really brilliant speakers!)” DB, Warnham, 2025





The list below highlights some of Michael’s most requested talks. Contact Michael to arrange a booking for your event.

Long Walk Home

The Diary of a Sussex Naturalist

Join Michael as he looks back through the pages of his wildlife notebooks and takes us on a month-by-month journey highlighting some of the amazing wildlife that can be seen in Sussex.

Long Walk Home

The Long Walk Home

In March 2023 Michael Blencowe left his house in Sussex, turned the corner of his cul-de-sac and kept walking. It was the start of an epic journey of 348 miles, through sun, storms and snow, back to his childhood home in Devon. Join Michael for stories of the wildlife, folklore and history he discovered along the route. (70 minutes).

Long Walk Home

An Introduction to the Bats of Sussex

Bats are the most mammals on the planet. In this presentation you’ll learn all about these amazing animals, their incredible echolocation and the species that can be found in Sussex (40 mins). This talk can be combined with an outdoors session in the Spring & Autumn using bat detectors to listen in to the bats hunting calls.

The Wildlife of Sussex

The diverse habitats of this southern county support a wide range of amazing species. Michael Blencowe takes you on a guided tour from the rockpools through the woodlands and up onto the South Downs and we’ll meet some amazing wildlife along the way. (75 minutes).

Auks and Orcas: A journey around the British Isles

Join Michael Blencowe on a virtual cruise from Portsmouth for a wildlife expedition around the British Isles. We’ll sail to some of Britain’s wildest islands – Tresco, Fair Isle, St Kilda, Rathlin, Great Saltee, Staffa, the Isle of May and Bass Rock – and search for the incredible wildlife that lives there. From stick insects to Killer Whales, from golden Hares to giant Wrens – with a supporting cast of thousands of Puffins, Gannets and other seabirds. Hear about the lives, folklore and future of these amazing animals (70 minutes)

Sharks, Tigers, Carpets & Kittens: The Marvellous Moths of Great Britain

At night some of the most beautiful creatures in Britain take to the air. Join Michael Blencowe as he shines a light into the weird and wonderful world of Britain’s moths and goes in search of elephants, tigers, kittens, hawks, carpets and sharks. Learn about the different species that can be found in your garden (70 mins)

The Butterflies of Sussex

Sussex is the best county in England for butterflies (and Michael Blencowe will argue with anyone who disagrees!). Join Michael (co-author of The Butterflies of Sussex) on a guided tour of our woods, heaths, gardens and downs as we go in search of the browns and the blues, the skippers, admirals and emperors (with a few tall tales along the way).  (70 mins).

The Blue Butterflies of the South Downs

In this talk Michael Blencowe focusses on some of the iconic butterflies of the chalk downs. We’ll learn about their lives, habitats and where to find these beautiful insects. As Michael says “You’ve never seen blue until you’ve seen an Adonis Blue open its wings under the Sussex sun”. (65 mins) 

Gone: A Search for what remains of the world’s extinct creatures

From Brighton to Iceland, from New Zealand to Russia join Michael Blencowe as we journey through deep forests and across oceans to undiscovered islands. Along the way we’ll hear the stories of some of the incredible creatures that are now lost to the world. The talk that inspired the bestselling book! (75 mins)

Something in the Night: Britain’s nocturnal wildlife

Grab your torch and join Michael Blencowe on an expedition out into the gardens, woods, marshes and meadows in the dead of night.  We’ll listen to the sounds and search for the signs of the amazing nocturnal animals that emerge while we sleep (75 mins)

100 Days of Wildlife in a Suburban Garden

In March 2020 Michael Blencowe travelled to a place that he had never really explored before – his own back garden. Michael documented 100 days of his garden wildlife observations and what he discovered amazed him.  Learn all about the wildlife of your garden and how you can make your garden wildlife friendly (70 mins)

Adventures in The Outdoor World

Inspired by a tatty old natural history book found in a charity shop Michael Blencowe goes in search of some of England’s most elusive wildlife. Along the way we’ll meet beetles and moths, quails and crickets and learn about the life of a young naturalist in the early days of the twentieth century (65 mins).

The Seabirds of the British Isles

The cliffs and coasts of Britain are home to some of the most extraordinary birds on the planet. Our seabirds have adapted to life in hostile conditions, many undertaking extraordinary journeys for survival. We’ll travel around the coastline of our island as Michael tells their stories. (70 mins)

Whales and Dolphins of the British Isles

The waters surrounding the British Isles are home to a surprisingly large and diverse population of whales and dolphins. In this talk Michael Blencowe cruises around Britain in search of our amazing cetaceans. Learn about what species can be found here, how to identify them and the adaptations these incredible animals have made to survive in the ocean depths. (70 mins)

The Continental Swallowtail Invasion: Dispatches from the Front Line

When unprecedented numbers of Continental Swallowtail arrived along the south coast Michael Blencowe was busy keeping track of this invasion, reporting every sighting, searching for the butterflies and meeting the people who had encountered them. The story made national news and Michael appeared on Springwatch to tell the tale. Find out just what happened from our man in Sussex. (25 mins)

Enthused by your passion

Whether it was out in the field looking for butterflies, investigating a moth trap or attending one of your entertaining talks, our members have always been enthused by your passion for wildlife.


A Big Influence

Michael Blencowe was a big influence when I was first starting out in ecology. Amongst his many talents he is one of the best public speakers I have ever listened to.

MB, Manchester

Vibrant Character

Through his vibrant character, perfectly woven stories and timing drummed down to a tee, he made us sit up and take notice of his great work. Now that’s good content delivery.

Stranger Collective, Cornwall

Delightful Anecdotes

Michael is a master at combining education with entertainment, expertly describing his wonderful wildlife experiences with a sprinkling of folklore, history, music and delightful anecdotes.



What a raconteur!  Very impressive, captivating, funny and fascinating

M.P, Sussex

Warm Relevant Humour

Your presentation, yesterday, was brilliant. Not only did you deliver it in a clear, informative way, you kept it applicable to our members. Your touches of warm relevant humour added to our enjoyment, and you have certainly inspired many of us to stop talking about what we could do for wildlife, and actually get on with something

J.M., Sussex


We enjoyed your talk last night about moths enormously. You have a great gift for education and entertainment. Brilliant! We have made a donation to the charity in tribute.

T.H., Sussex

Awesome Advocate

In short, wildlife is pretty lucky to have such an awesome outspoken advocate, and if all conferences have a Michael in their midst, then the world would be a much better place

Stranger Collective, Cornwall

Dynamic Speaker

We were grateful that Michael Blencowe was on the cruise as he is such a dynamic speaker and is able to share information in an exciting way. It only made most of the other lectures seem uninspired.

Ellen, USA